The Restoration Power In Praise
Sometime ago, the Lord showed me a vision of a building that had been left abandoned and so was losing its beauty and quality, but something happened to the building when the owner began to praise, there was rejuvenation, and the quality of the building was restored.
Much more beyond the restoration as well, the building increased in size and beauty and was filled, and the Lord said to me, "this is what happens when a man becomes intentional about his praise to Me"; "I cause lost virtues, gifts, properties and glory to be restored and when they are restored, they are not restored back to the way they were but are restored and multiplied."
It has been said that the most difficult thing to do in a season of dryness is to praise, but have you ever sat to wonder why it is difficult to praise in that season? It is simple, the devil seeks only to fight whatever will get the job done, if your praise is what will bring you out of that season of dryness then that praise is exactly what the devil is out to fight.
Trust this devil to give you a thousand and twenty reasons why you should not be praising God right now, trust him to make you burn out and weary of thanksgiving.
The ways of our God are not the ways of men, scriptures clearly tell us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks to God in every circumstance, not in pleasant situations, whether they be pleasant or unpleasant, we are to give thanks, so if you are not giving thanks in unpleasant situations, you are not living by the word!
The king David shared a revelation of what praise does in Psalm 22:3; praise enthrones God!
God, indeed, inhabits the praises of His people and no matter the toughness/dryness of that season/situation, once you engage God in praise consistently, He is enthroned over that situation.
Matthew 14:19-21
19Then He ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and He took the five loaves and the two fish and, looking up toward heaven, He blessed and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people, 20 and they all ate and were satisfied. They picked up twelve full baskets of the leftover broken pieces.
Something happened in that scripture, what was not enough was made enough and even much more than enough by thanksgiving.
Jesus did not pray for the fishes and loaves to multiply, He didn't make decrees of any sort, He simply gave thanks for them and trusted/rested on the one He had given thanks to.
Actually, your praise in seasons of dryness is proof of how much you trust God!
It doesn't matter how dry a season is, the one who caused water to come out of a rock for His people Israel in the wilderness is well able to cause water/life to flow out of that dry season/situation.
It doesn't matter what you have lost, the one who inhabits the praises of His people is well able to give you double for your shame.
One thing we fail to understand is that seasons do not determine our outcomes, but our postures determine the outcomes of seasons, i.e, the posture you take in a season will determine what you get out of that season.
As long as you love the Lord, no season is meant to break you and this, not even a season of drought/famine because all things work together for good for they that love the Lord.
Do you love the Lord?
Get up, take off those garments of depression and mourning, put on the garment of praise He has just placed upon you, begin to praise Him intentionally and watch Him be enthroned over that situation.
You desire restoration?
In praise, lies the restoration you seek and even much more, multiplication, engage intentionally in it.
You desire a change of story, let your heart and lips be filled with praises to our God for He is well able to save!
The peace and grace of our dear Lord be multiplied unto you!
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