Ending 2023 well

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.
1 Timothy 6:6 NLT

The Greek word for contentment in our anchor text is autarkeia which implies a state of not being bothered with external circumstances.

Many have defined contentment using different terms like satisfaction, happiness at every level and what may , however, it is very important for us to note that we truly can not define contentment biblically without emphasizing on the grace to be un-bothered.

True contentment does not mean that you have everything you need/want or have trusted God for but it implies that you appreciate/thank God for all the things you have, trust Him for all the things He has promised that are yet to be made manifest and yet remain un-bothered by the external effects of not having those things yet.

Dear believer, as we wrap up the year and begin to have reflections on what our 2023 has been like, it is very important for you to focus much more on the things the Lord has done for you and those around you this year and not what is yet to be made manifest.

My spiritual father said and I paraphrase; "if all you did in 2023 was trust God then you have done well".

Do not allow the opinions of men and pressures of life to condition your life and atmosphere.

Despite all the storms and pressures that came with 2023, did you still remain steadfast in God and His perfect will? If yes then you have indeed ended 2023 well and the best is yet to come.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 clearly tells us that the fastest runners do not win the race and neither do the strongest warriors always win the battles, the wise sometimes even go hungry and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy, even those who are educated don't always lead successful lives but everything about the outcome of a man is decided by time and chance and that time and chance in that scripture is simply being in God's perfect will at God's appointed time so if you ended 2023 in God's perfect will for your life at this time then you have ended well and if you know you deviated from His will then you have a chance to return to Him/His will before the year ends so He can redirect your steps.

Dear believer, do not allow the enemy put thoughts in your head, you have ended 2023 well.

Remain contented (joyful, satisfied with God and grateful) as Godliness with contentment is indeed all the wealth you need, worship and praise God intentionally as we wrap up the year, spend time alone with God seeking His face.

You can sit and write down 10 things you are grateful for and praise Him for those things, certainly, you have more than 10 things to thank God for and just as a father in faith once said and I quote "if you can think, you can thank".

That you can even read this right now is a reason to be grateful because it shows you are not physically blind/your eyes are working perfectly.

Truly, if all you have right now is Jesus (His presence, His lifestyle and His perfect will) then indeed you have everything you need.

Stay focused!

The peace and grace of our dear Lord be multiplied unto you!


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