The Rewarder And His Rewards

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
Hebrews 11:6 NLT

I know you feel as though you have been serving, waiting and trusting the Lord and yet His promises don't seem forthcoming but I just want to let you know that our Lord, the Lord God, the Commander of Heaven's army can never, will never and has not called the seed of Jacob to seek Him in vain.

No matter what the situation around you looks like right now, where you are currently standing financially, maritally, health wise, ministerially, career wise, it is important for you to know and understand that God rewards men and a major requirement for this reward is faithfulness!

Our God is a rewarder and truth is, God rewards men but the reason we don't see His rewards most times is because we expect His rewards in certain ways and when we don't see them come in those ways, we do not recognize the actual things that came, sometimes it is even His mercy or a new covenant.

God is the one who determines the reward for the laborer and if only we would trust and follow Him diligently, patietiently and according to the pattern He has shown to us, we would understand by revelation that at every point in our journey, God rewards!

Actually, with God, the reward for faithfulness is more work and so every other thing He trusts us with is to the end that that work is done with all the required resources.

Our dear Lord and friend Jesus spoke in Luke 19:17 about the servant who amongst ten others had received a pound from his master and reported when it was demanded of him on how he had invested it and gained much more and we see the Master's response being that because he had been faithful in little, he should take charge over ten cities, now, if this laborer had expected the Master's reward for his faithfulness in another way, he would have assumed that his Master was just using him and not blessing him (which is the response of most believers in these times) meanwhile his Master had called him unto Glory and not to diminish!

Dear believer, our God is a rewarder who always rewards and the Rewarder determines the reward per time which most times may not even be material things but eternal things.

The increase in capacity, the added stature are a part of His rewards as well as much more but we need to see beyond the physical, beyond the flesh to see this.

We must learn to value the eternal rewards of the rewarder even as we desire the material ones, our desires for the material rewards must be to the end that we fulfil the Rewarder's heart desires and His Kingdom is established on the Earth.

The peace and grace of our dear Lord be multiplied unto you!


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