
Showing posts from March, 2024

Breaking free from the limiting factors

Limiting factors are those things that put a stop or a restriction to your journey, be it mental, spiritual, emotional or career growth. Those things that have the tendency to hinder your free movement or progression in an area. For a child, genes can be a limiting factor to his/her growth or certain medical conditions, for a woman trusting God for a child, certain medical conditions can be limiting factors. However, there is no greater limiting factor as the mind as everything a man would ever become begins from his mind, i.e, if you believe you can do it, and you keep believing despite the number of failures you may have had in the past, certainly, you will do it. Here is what faith does; faith takes your thoughts, aligns them with your words and actions and brings to physical manifestation that which you have faith for from the realm of the spirit. Basically, faith says, "that thing you are trusting God for is not non - existent, actually, it exists in the realm of the spirit, ...

The Restoration Power In Praise

Sometime ago, the Lord showed me a vision of a building that had been left abandoned and so was losing its beauty and quality, but something happened to the building when the owner began to praise, there was rejuvenation, and the quality of the building was restored. Much more beyond the restoration as well, the building increased in size and beauty and was filled, and the Lord said to me, "this is what happens when a man becomes intentional about his praise to Me"; "I cause lost virtues, gifts, properties and glory to be restored and when they are restored, they are not restored back to the way they were but are restored and multiplied." It has been said that the most difficult thing to do in a season of dryness is to praise, but have you ever sat to wonder why it is difficult to praise in that season? It is simple, the devil seeks only to fight whatever will get the job done, if your praise is what will bring you out of that season of dryness then that praise is e...